Thursday, 28 September 2017

Problems With Games in The 7th and 8th Gen

So what I've found with a lot of games in these generations is the total lack of any offline play aside from a story. Now i love the stories in games its why i play them but sometimes a death match or like a side story would be nice so i can continue to play even after I've finished the story. Now some games who do this well are the Rainbow 6 Vegas Games who do it very well what with the modes such as terrorist hunt. Also Call Of Duty does this well and is good fun to play. However some games fail at this as well. Such as the Battlefield games. If we could play Battlefield's online games modes offline with a AI involved it would be good fun. So that's what i think about that topic. Thanks for reading BYEEE!!!!! Image result for offline games meme

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Most irritating things in video games

The Lifts In Mass Effect

So how long did i spend in mass effect one in a god damn lift. Pretty much every level of a location was separated by a lift. Now i love mass effect don't get me wrong and i'm sure there is a reason for them and in a way i prefer it to a loading screen as it makes the map seem more connected. But still took up so much time in a god damn lift.

Heat system in Just Cause 2

So what i fail to see about Just Cause 2 is why you can gain heat for doing very little wrong such as walking onto certain places or driving slightly off. Plus its so hard to loose the Heat once you have it, the only way to loose it is to fight them off and that takes too long and gains more heat than you loose and you just end up dying anyway.

Time wasting missions in multiple games

What is the point in making me do something pointless and has nothing to do with the story? I kid you not some missions in mission based games are so pointless. Whats the point in making me wander around and collect some pointless item that has no effect on the game play in the slightest.

Absolutely no after play ability in many games

So ill be sitting playing a game that has and amazing story and amazing setting and ill finish the game and be really pleased then.... i put back in the world with nothing to d o just wander around with no side-quests nothing. GUN was big with this problem and had no after play ability once you are done with the game. Just sits on the shelf waiting for the phone to ring

Thanks for reading not long until 600 page views. BYEEEE!!

Image result for GUN ps2

Monday, 11 September 2017

5 Game Sequels We Want To See.

So most games release sequels of some kind and most of these add to the story that we loved in the first game. But sadly not all games do this and we get left hanging to never find out what happens. So here is a list of games 5 that we want to see become sequels.

The Saboteur
Mercenaries 2: World In Flames
Dead Island (in development)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (also in development)
True Crime: Streets Of LA ( A direct Sequel not Streets Of NYC)

   Image result for game sequels memeImage result for game sequels meme

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (small but mighty)

So i played force unleashed two for the first time last week and to be honest i loved it. It took me back to my childhood when i used to play the first one religiously. I thought the story was great the graphics where good and the lightasber combat was brilliant. Although the story took me a few hours to complete and most likely could have been longer i still loved it and give it my invaluable seal of approval. I hope that there could be a third one but most likely this will not happen...... Sad times. BYEEE!!!!!
Image result for star wars the force unleashed 2Image result for star wars the force unleashed 2

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Top 10 Best Games To Play When You Are Bored

So you remember back to the times in school or at home when you where bored and just had nothing to do. I remember those days. So i'm going to give you a list of the top games to play when you are bored. (note education is important don't flunk out of school)
This list is in no particular order

Worlds Largest Pac-Man
Flappy Bird
Fallout Shelter
Dota 2
League of legends
World of tanks
Image result for f2p memes

Monday, 22 May 2017

Top 5 Controversial Games

So I know its been a while but I've been busy with some stuff. So yes I'm finally back and I'm going to talk about some controversial games. These could be for obvious reasons or they could just be plain stupid reasons thanks to global media. This list is in order

5. Hatred.
So if you have played hatred you will know why this is controversial, if you haven't i will explain. Hatred was came out on June 1 2015 developed by Destructive Creations (ironic). So the idea of the game is that you have to go around as this mass murder who hates the world and decides he will embark on a "genocide crusade". Basically the whole gameplay is going around killing a lot of unarmed people and some police and a powersation and then ends up levelling a whole city. It was released on steam and quickly became a best seller. It Received a Metacritic score of 42. It is also the 3rd game to get an adult only rating due to extreme violence only.

4. Mass Effect
So im not going to say much about this just the thing that made it gain so much attention form the media and how it gained its controversy. So in the game you can engage in romance with NPC of the other sex..... and one charter who is of a single gender race but looks largely female. This gain its controversy because it was possible to be a female human and still have the relationship with this charter. This was blown way out of proportion by the media aka Fox news. this even saw the game banned in Singapore. However over here in the UK we gave the first Mass Effect a bbfc rating of 12.

3. Spec ops the line
Again with like with Mass Effect I'm not going to go into too much detail. So in the game the player has to fire a white phosphorus shell at what you think are enemies, turns out they are innocent civilians. The main reason it gained this was due to one image of a mother trying to cover her child from the blast but obviously fails and the result is not pleasant.

2. Manhunt 2
The game manhunt 2 is possibly the most controversial game ever gaining an ao rating and a ban in the UK. The game is literally nothing but brutal executions. A censored version was made but people still could get there hands on the AO version.

1. Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2
This game literally lets you take part in a terror attack on an airport. This mission was totally skiable and players where given a warning. But it was a vicious attack on an airport and the murder of innocent people that gained it this attention

Remember No Russian..............

Image result for no russian

Monday, 27 March 2017

500 Pageviews YAY!!!!

Hi guys so i finally hit 500 page-views. This is a huge milestone for me as when i started never thought that I would get any views i just made this for myself so thanks for the help guys and see you all soon hopefully i will get 1000 BYE!!!!!!
Image result for blog memeImage result for blog meme

Saturday, 11 March 2017

My Hobbie: Airsoft

So if you read my profile you will know that one of my hobbies is the sport of airsoft. So for those of you who do not know what airsoft is, it is a combat sport similar to paintball (only better) in which the players complete objectives using airsoft guns that replicate real guns only shooting 6mm plastic bbs powerd by a spring or gas or co2 or electric pistons. It is a fun but expensive sport to get into but gives a sense of belonging and gets you off the console or PC and into a simulated battle. Now i have three airsoft weapons and one air rifle all leagl to own in the uk I have the following: bison 701 svd custom, KJW MK 23 socom, Nuprol Delta AR 15 pioneer defender and the air rifle is a 4.5 mm Daisy red rider. i also own to much tactical gear such as tac-vests combat trousers ballaclvas and my union jack face mask. So hope this gives you insight into some of the things that i like to do. As allways keep reading and see you soon BYEEE

Edit all guns pictured below are similar to the ones i own or are the same.
 Image result for camo svdImage result for KJW mk 23 

Image result for daisy red ryderImage result for nuprol pioneer defender tan

Monday, 6 March 2017

My Music Taste

So I don't know how many of you read my profile but i listen to metal mostly thrash and nu metal so here is a list of my favorite songs.

Psychosocial: Slipknot
A Gunshot To The Head Of Trepidation: Trivium
World Painted Blood: Slayer
Spit It Out: Slipknot
Dead Skin Mask: Slayer
Like Light To The Flies: Trivium
Pull Harder On The Strings Of Your Martyr
Nightmare: Avenged Sevenfold
You Better Run: MotorHead
Before I forget: Slipknot
What Lies Ahead: Semblant

So that is a list of just a few of my favorite songs i wold love to hear you taste in music so please leave a comment see you soon BYE!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 28 February 2017


I Agree totally with this and i think that it has to be said from a blogger to a youtuber: thanks mark it means allot that you would take the time to put this out there you are one of the people that i respect the most you are very funny but you do work for charity and you also put messages like this out there.  Thank You we all face hardships but people like you make it easier for us i hope that you somehow read this.


Monday, 27 February 2017

Games I Love But Suck At

Hi guys now I'm going to put it out there I am not the best gamer so here is a list of games that I suck at: BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tomb Raider
Dead Island  (prison area only)
Call Of Duty multilayer
Rocket League (sort of)
Operation Flashpoint
Grand Theft Auto V
Any PC Game

Monday, 6 February 2017

Games I Think Are Underrated #4

So Gun is a small open world western themed game released for the 6th generation of consoles and PC (also on steam link is below). It came out after Red Dead Revolver but before Red Dead Redemption. The game itself had good graphics for its time but to modern standards was not great. The game had a good story-line similar to that of a Clint Eastwood movie. The game has a good amount of realistic gun battles aside from the whole slow mo action type thing. The game had a good look and feel about it the only thing i would comment on is the size of the story-line to it, many people who reviewed this game before me also said the same many saying that it would be better as a one day rental game. However it is a good game and is fun to play until completion where it will just sit on your shelf. link to steam › All Games › Action Games › GUN™
Image result for GUN gameImage result for GUN game

So most of us all know about the Just Cause series but how many of you have played the game that started it all. The game like all of the just cause games has open ended game-play with an opening mission that gets you to the island and the rest of the game is yours to play as you see fit. The main story line is the same as all of the games (take down a dictator). The game had the second biggest of all the maps in the game's being just over 1250km2 while JC2 was 1036km2. The map itself was the least filled map in the game with the largest settlements being the capitol city and the airports, but smaller settlements where often and plenty. The best part of the game in my opinion was the liberation's of towns and bases as it gave the game some huge after campaign ability unlike GUN. Very good game have it for the PlayStation 2 would recommend you can get it for the Xbox360. Gets my approval. BYEEEEE!!!!!!
Image result for just cause 1Image result for just cause 1